Dear Nell will live forever in our hearts. Her spirit will always be right here on Damon St. and out back under the power lines
where she lies with our beloved Sylk.
Here she is standing in the tall grass that she loved to tromp around in.
Here is the start of yet one more run.
Coming right at ya"...
She really loved this...
Whew! Time to stop and look around...
Sylk and Nell were best buddies and are together now running free.
Nell always seemed to run a bit faster and smile a bit longer when Steve was out back with her.
She loved home best of all and here she is on her comfy bed.
Nell spent a weekend here and was ever the lady, as usual.
Run free, dear Nell-we miss you so.
Nell lived the happiest days of her life with Nancy and Doyle. This wonderful poem, written by Nancy is so telling of Nell.
Pied beauty. Joy with a windmill tail.
Dutch Bahama girl with Princess Di eyes.
Kohl-rimmed Egyptian eyes.
Arbiter of etiquette. Ultimate authority on the
proper thing to do.
Windracer. Braking around the corner pines,
tearing up the straightaway, haunches pumping
hind paws past her ears. Rakehell grin of
ecstasy. See me run.
Delicate, improbable dog with sunlight showing
pink through thin hind legs.
A teenage girl waiting for the phone to ring.
Bounding, pulling, straining toward the gate.
Then homeward bound, lion-walking, with a
cookie in her mouth.
Sighthound with careful feet. Peering down
her long nose to watch her footing.
Looking always for the right thing to do.
The Lady Nell.
"Glory be to God for dappled things."